Identify your target leads, create marketing campaigns to capture them and generate business opportunities.
Create a target audience list, define actions and launch the campaign. Fairs, mailings, social networks, telemarketing ... Managing a campaign has never been so easy.
Add to your campaign Leads, potentials, customers, contacts from RepCamp, Excel files, web forms or using our Rest API.
Receive campaign responses and new Leads directly in RepCamp. Automated, from your device, your landing page or the result of your mailings.
Leave paper forms. Use Repcamp App to quickly capture the data of your visitors: Cards, interest, etc.
Send mailing campaigns directly from RepCamp. Fully integrated with Mailchimp.
Easily create specific telemarketing campaigns or commercial actions against your target audience lists.
Quickly classifies the potentials and leads captured by the campaign. Our tool will help you filter, evaluate and convert eliminating most administrative tasks.
Manage your campaigns without fear of breaching the GDPR using RepCamp's shipping acceptance management tool.
Generate new leads as they show interest in your products or services, either from the webapp or mobile application form.
Leads can be captured and automatically generated from your landing pages, hosted webs or any other source using the API.
Assign new leads to your better reps so they can follow-up and turn them into real business.
Los prospectos pueden hacer la transición desde y hacia un estado diferente y se pueden calificar para identificar el valor percibido para que pueda enfocarse y priorizar.
Define different origins to better determine the impact of your campaigns.
Convert leads into opportunity deals and inmeditally assign follow-up task either to you or your team.
Leads can easily be imported through excel spreadsheets, from third party application databases.